Cancelled Payments

Any time there's a change to candidate information, such as dates or rates, the existing outstanding payments are re-generated. This results in the old ones being voided and new ones being created in a pending status. 

If you do an unfiltered search in earnings, you'll see these. On an individual candidate, in the order tab, you can see the latest version of the payments with its status.  If the status is canceled in the order tab, it could mean one of the following:

  1. For a contract job, it could mean that the candidate did not provide a timesheet that week. If all future payments are canceled, it may be that the contractor was terminated or ended the contract early.
  1. A perm job means the candidate quit or was terminated prior to the GP being completed. If the job included multiple GPs and the candidate did not make it past GP1, both GPs will appear as canceled.  

Recruiters also see candidates with GPs pending on their dashboard in the Hired section.  Please continue to engage your candidate during the GP period to make sure they are fitting in, and to mitigate any new job issues. If you find out the candidate quit or was let go, please communicate this to Support.