Candidate Ownership

All candidates and leads you add into Relode are yours exclusively on a job-specific basis. You can easily track all of your leads in one place whether or not you have a job for them quite yet. 

Job Specific Ownership

Once you're connected with a Relode lead or add a new one yourself, you will have job-specific ownership of them for any roles you attach them to moving forward. Under this policy, recruiters can now work with the same candidate on different jobs without being blocked. You can refer them for any jobs you believe they're qualified for, as long as they have not already been submitted to this role. 

If a candidate is working with another Recruiter, once you add them into Relode, you will see a "peer managed" tag next to the jobs they have been or are actively being considered for, along with their status on that job. You will need their email and phone number to add them to your profile and refer them to new roles.


  • Can candidates be applied to more than one job?

Absolutely! We hope candidates have as many opportunities as possible within their qualifications. We do recommend reviewing their status on each job, and if they are in the interviewing or offer stages, hold off on approaching them until they are moved to Rejected. 

  • How long does my ownership last?

Indefinitely on any job(s) you have referred a candidate to. You can connect and disconnect from Leads you've added or found through the Relode database if you would no longer like to match them to potential jobs.

  • How many resumes can be submitted for a candidate?

A candidate’s profile can only hold one resume at a time, which may already be in the system. If you have a more recent resume, you can upload it or add any additional versions to the attachments of the candidate's profile.

  • What if a candidate only wants to work with one TA?

We currently don’t have a way for a candidate to opt out of working with other recruiters. However, if your candidate has been connected to a job by another user they're not interested in working with, you can send an ownership switch to Relode along with proof of their desire to only work with you. You can do this by submitting the request to support.

  • Will candidates be marked as unavailable or automatically no longer connected to me if hired for another role?

Not at this time. If you are reviewing a candidate and see that they are marked as hired, we recommend checking their profile notes and hire date. If they are recent, you can disconnect from them or reject them for any roles you referred them for. You will have access to the candidate's full notes and job status' before deciding to add them to a new job.

  • What if a job closes and then re-opens later? Will the candidate still be in my ownership? 

Yes! You will never lose track of a candidate you have actively worked with on a job, regardless of its status down the line.

  • Is there a way to see what other jobs my candidate might be a fit for?

Absolutely - each candidate and lead profile will have a "recs" section where you will see other jobs across the entire Relode platform for which they are a potential fit. You can also locate a list of all your leads with job recommendations from your home dashboard.

  • Can a candidate's ownership be switched?

If you write in requesting ownership of a candidate for a certain job, we can do so under a few requirements. If the candidate has been in the New or Qualifying stages for 7+ days, we will contact their current Recruiter. This Recruiter will need to provide proof of an attempt at contact, such as an outgoing call or email, within that period. If they have not reached out, we will switch ownership. If they have attempted contact, the ownership will remain the same. 

Also, a candidate can write in to request to work with a specific Recruiter. We will honor this if they are still in the New or Qualifying stages.